Data Science with R, Part 1: Introduction to Basics

May 16, 2018

Data Science with R, Part 1: Introduction to R

This post is the first part of Data Science with R series.
All codes are implemented in RStudio. If you are not familiar with R and RStudio, I posted an article on R and RStudio.

Introduction to Basics

At the most basic level, you can treat R like a calculator. Let’s do a few simple calculations.

Addition and Subtraction

# Addition
2 + 2
## [1] 4
# Subtraction
5 - 2
## [1] 3

When you run the two lines, you will get an output for each. Easy. Now that we have touched on simple calculations, these are the operators for multiplication, division and exponentiation.

Multiplication - *

# Example for multiplication
3 * 5
## [1] 15

Division - /

# Example for division
10 / 5
## [1] 2

Exponentiation - ^ or **

# Example for exponentiation
2 ^ 2
## [1] 4
2 ** 2
## [1] 4

Both operators for exponentiation gave us the same answer.

However, R is more than just a simple calculator. You can assign this calculations to a variable. Let’s use the addition example and assign its value to a variable.

# Assigning a variable
x <- 2 + 2

# Print value
## [1] 4

From this example x is a variable that contains the value of the addition which is 4. To print the value of x, simply type x in r and it will print the value for you.

Please note that in R, to assign a variable, we use this sign <-. You can also use =, but I always prefer to use <- in R because when you learn another language like Python, assigning a variable uses =. This to me makes a clear distinction of what language I am writing in. But the preference is yours.
The name of variables can be almost anything but avoid variable names that are reserved for functions in R, to avoid confusion.

You can also do operations on variables that you have saved. For example adding two variables together.

# Assigning variables
car <- 5 + 5
bike <- 10

# Adding variables
transport <- car + bike

# Print value of transport
## [1] 20

So far in our examples, we have only dealt with one type of data structure in R, called vectors. There are other types of data structures that R can handle. But first let’s learn a little bit more about vectors.



Vector is a 1-dimensional array and it is the basic data structure in R. Vector allows you to store data in R and it can take data types including numerics, characters and logical. There are two types of vectors: atomic vectors and lists.

Atomic Vectors

There are four common data types of atomic vectors:

  1. Integers - e.g. 5, it is a whole number and not a fraction
  2. Numerics - e.g. 5.2, it is also known as double
  3. Characters - e.g. “eat”, it is referred to as string or text
  4. Logical - e.g. TRUE or FALSE, these are Boolean values

Important: An atomic vector can only store one type of atomic vector. For example, if you create a vector consisting of numerics and characters, the numerics will be coerced into characters.

Coercion changes the data types to the most flexible type in the vector created. Types from the least to the most flexible:
(least flexible) logical < integer < double < character (most flexible)

# Create vector with numerics and characters
a <- c("dogs", "spaniels", 1, 2)

# Print vector
## [1] "dogs"     "spaniels" "1"        "2"

In vector a, dogs and spaniels are characters while 1 and 2 are integers. Since character is more flexible than integer, 1 and 2 are coerced into characters. We can confirm this by the quotation marks around 1 and 2 when we print vector a and by checking its class.

Note that in R, characters are wrapped in "quotation marks" and R is case sensitive, so always spell your TRUE and FALSE in capital letters or just T or F and R will understand you.
To check data type in R, we use a function called class().

# Assigning variables
intgr <- 5

num <- 5.2

chr <- "eat"

lgcl <- TRUE

# Check data types
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] "numeric"
## [1] "character"
## [1] "logical"


We will dicuss list in details in the next section.

Creating Atomic Vector

c() is a function in R that combine values into a vector or list.
Let’s create a vector consisting of the month number from January to May.

# Create vector of month number
month_num <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

Name a Vector

Now, we want to name these months.

# Naming a vector
names(month_num) <- c("Jan", "Feb", "March", "Apr", "May")

# Print month_num
##   Jan   Feb March   Apr   May
##     1     2     3     4     5

Vector Selection

Selecting element(s) in a vector is really simple, using a bracket []. Let’s use the month_num vector that we have created earlier and we want to select the first element, Jan.

# Select the first element, Jan
## Jan
##   1

In R, the first element starts at 1 and not 0 (like in Python).
We can also select more than one element at a time. To do this, we use vector[start:end].

# Select the first, second, third and fourth element
##   Jan   Feb March   Apr
##     1     2     3     4



Just like atomic vector, list is a 1-dimensional array. But unlike atomic vector, a list can contain element of different type i.e. a list can consist of numerics, logical and character at the same time.
A list is sometimes called a recursive vector because it can also store list!

Create a List

We will use the list() function to create a list.

# Create vector and matrix to make a list
vect1 <- 1:10
mtrx1 <- matrix(c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i"), 3, 3)

# Create list
list1 <- list(vect1, mtrx1)

# View list
## [[1]]
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
## [[2]]
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "a"  "d"  "g"
## [2,] "b"  "e"  "h"
## [3,] "c"  "f"  "i"
# Check structure of list
## List of 2
##  $ : int [1:10] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
##  $ : chr [1:3, 1:3] "a" "b" "c" "d" ...

Always use list() to create a list even if the list contains another list. If you use c(), it will combine all the lists to become just one list.

# Create list using list() and c()
list_using_list <- list(list(1, 2), list(3, 4, 5))
list_using_c <- c(list(1, 2), list(3, 4, 5))

# Check structure of list_using_list
## List of 2
##  $ :List of 2
##   ..$ : num 1
##   ..$ : num 2
##  $ :List of 3
##   ..$ : num 3
##   ..$ : num 4
##   ..$ : num 5
# Check structure of list_using_c
## List of 5
##  $ : num 1
##  $ : num 2
##  $ : num 3
##  $ : num 4
##  $ : num 5

Naming a List

# Name a list
list1 <- list(number_vector = vect1, alphabet_matrix = mtrx1)

# View list
## $number_vector
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
## $alphabet_matrix
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "a"  "d"  "g"
## [2,] "b"  "e"  "h"
## [3,] "c"  "f"  "i"

Selecting Elements from a List

To select element from a list we will use double bracket [[]], unlike the single bracket [] used in selecting element in an atomic vector. When you use a single bracket in list, you are selecting the vector or the matrix that you store in the list instead of the elements in the vector or the matrix you selected.

# Selecting the first component in the list
## $number_vector
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
# Selecting the elements in the first component of the list
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
# Selecting the 5th element in the first component of the list
## [1] 5
# Selecting the second component in the list
## $alphabet_matrix
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] "a"  "d"  "g"
## [2,] "b"  "e"  "h"
## [3,] "c"  "f"  "i"
# Selecting the 6th element in the second component of the list
## [1] "f"

Another alternative to selecting element of a list is using the $ sign.

# Selecting the 5th element in the first component of the list
## [1] 5
# Selecting the 6th element in the second component of the list
## [1] "f"



In vector, we are dealing with a 1-dimensional array. Let’s extend that into 2-dimensional array, consisting of rows and columns, what we get here is a matrix. Just like an atomic vector, a matrix can only consist of one data type. For example, a matrix consisting of numerics.

Creating a Matrix

To create a matrix, we can simply use the matrix() function. Before we create our first matrix, let’s look at the arguments that can be passed in this function.

matrix(data, nrow = 1, ncol = 1, byrow = FALSE)

  • The first argument is data, for example a vector of numerics from 1 to 9.
  • The second argument is nrow, which corresponds to the number of row in the matrix.
  • The third argument is ncol, which corresponds to the number of column in the matrix.
  • The fourth argument is byrow, which tells the function to put your data by row or not. The default setting is FALSE which means that if you do not specify it, R will insert the data into the matrix by column. So, if you set it to byrow = TRUE, only then R will do it by row.

Now, let’s create a matrix.

# Create a matrix, fill by column
first_matrix <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3)

# Create a matrix, fill by row
second_matrix <- matrix(1:9, 3, 3, byrow = TRUE)

# Print matrices
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    4    7
## [2,]    2    5    8
## [3,]    3    6    9
##      [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,]    1    2    3
## [2,]    4    5    6
## [3,]    7    8    9

The 1:9 specify that we want number 1 to number 9. Notice the difference between the first and the second matrix.

Naming a Matrix

Let’s take the first_matrix that we created above and name its columns and rows. To do this, we use a similar method as naming a vector, names(vector) <- c("a", "b", "c").

But as we have discussed before, a vector is a 1-dimensional array and matrix is a 2-dimensional array. So, for a matrix, we want to name the columns and the rows.

# Name the columns for first_matrix
colnames(first_matrix) <- c("Col 1", "Col 2", "Col 3")

# Name the rows for first_matrix
rownames(first_matrix) <- c("Row 1", "Row 2", "Row 3")

# Print first_matrix
##       Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
## Row 1     1     4     7
## Row 2     2     5     8
## Row 3     3     6     9

We can see that columns and rows of first_matrix are now labelled.

Matrix Calculations

Let’s say we want to calculate the sum of the matrix by rows and by columns. We can do this in R using these functions colSums() (for sum of each column) and rowSums() (for sum of each row).

# Calculate sum for each column
## Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
##     6    15    24
# Calculate sum for each row
## Row 1 Row 2 Row 3
##    12    15    18

Adding Columns and Rows

Now that we have the sums for the columns and rows, we want to add these results to the first_matrix.
For this purpose, we use cbind() (add column) and rbind() (add row).

# Assign variables
column_sum <- colSums(first_matrix)
row_sum <- rowSums(first_matrix)

# Add column_sum as an extra row
first_matrix_csum <- rbind(first_matrix, column_sum)

# Add row_sum as an extra column
first_matrix_rsum <- cbind(first_matrix, row_sum)

# Print first_matrix_csum
##            Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
## Row 1          1     4     7
## Row 2          2     5     8
## Row 3          3     6     9
## column_sum     6    15    24
# Print first_matrix_rsum
##       Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 row_sum
## Row 1     1     4     7      12
## Row 2     2     5     8      15
## Row 3     3     6     9      18

We can also join two matrices into one. Let’s use the original first_matrix and second_matrix as one matrix.

# Add two matrices using cbind()
cbind(first_matrix, second_matrix)
##       Col 1 Col 2 Col 3      
## Row 1     1     4     7 1 2 3
## Row 2     2     5     8 4 5 6
## Row 3     3     6     9 7 8 9
# Add two matrices using rbind()
rbind(first_matrix, second_matrix)
##       Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
## Row 1     1     4     7
## Row 2     2     5     8
## Row 3     3     6     9
##           1     2     3
##           4     5     6
##           7     8     9

Matrix Selection

Selecting element(s) in matrix is done similar to vector selection. And again, because matrix is a 2-dimensional array, we need to specify the row number and the column number matrix[row number, column number].

Let’s use a combined first_matrix and second_matrix as an example.

# Add two matrices using rbind() and assign to a new variable
joined_matrix <- rbind(first_matrix, second_matrix)

# Name all rows in joined_matrix
rownames(joined_matrix) <- c("Row 1", "Row 2", "Row 3", "Row 4", "Row 5", "Row 6")

# Print joined_matrix
##       Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
## Row 1     1     4     7
## Row 2     2     5     8
## Row 3     3     6     9
## Row 4     1     2     3
## Row 5     4     5     6
## Row 6     7     8     9

This is how we do matrix selection, matrix[row number, column number].

# Select element in Row 3, Col 2
joined_matrix[3, 2]
## [1] 6
# Select element in Row 3, Col 1 and Col 2
joined_matrix[3, 1:2]
## Col 1 Col 2
##     3     6
# Select all elements in Row 3 (leave column empty)
joined_matrix[3, ]
## Col 1 Col 2 Col 3
##     3     6     9
# Select all elements in Col 2 (leave row empty)
joined_matrix[, 2]
## Row 1 Row 2 Row 3 Row 4 Row 5 Row 6
##     4     5     6     2     5     8



A factor is a vector that has a limited set of values. It is used to store categorical data.
Two examples of categorical data:
1. Sex - “male” and “female”
2. Race - “Asian” and “African” or “Ginger” (joking!)

Factor is developed on top of integer vector. What does this mean? It means that storing factor in R involves a vector of integer values and these integer values have an associated set of character values. These character values are used to display the factor.

Creating a Factor

The function that function that we will use to create a factor is factor(). Let’s create one.

# Create an education level vector
edu_vector <- c("degree", "degree", "degree", "masters", "phd", "phd", "diploma")

# Create factor
edu_factor <- factor(edu_vector)

# Print factor
## [1] degree  degree  degree  masters phd     phd     diploma
## Levels: degree diploma masters phd

Note that we have four levels in our factor, degree, diploma, masters and phd.

I have mentioned about categorical data, let’s expand our understanding on it. Categorical data can be further divided into two sets:

  • Nominal categorical data - it has no implied order, one value does not worth more or less than the other value.
  • Ordinal categorical data - it has natural ordering

Factor Levels and Level Ordering

Using our edu_factor example, which type of categorical data will it be? Ordinal, because there is an order, a degree is a level higher than a diploma.
Let’s set the order of the levels in our factor. We need to specify order = TRUE and provide the vector for levels (the order is from lowest to highest), the order of this vector is important.

# Set order for edu_factor
edu_factor2 <- factor(edu_vector, order = TRUE, levels = c("diploma", "degree", "masters", "phd"))

# Print edu_factor2
## [1] degree  degree  degree  masters phd     phd     diploma
## Levels: diploma < degree < masters < phd

Note the difference of the levels between edu_factor and edu_factor2. We specified the order and levels for edu_factor2 but not edu_factor.

You can change the name of the levels.

# Rename levels
levels(edu_factor2) <- c("diploma", "undergraduate", "masters", "PhD")

# Print edu_factor2 with new levels name
## [1] undergraduate undergraduate undergraduate masters       PhD          
## [6] PhD           diploma      
## Levels: diploma < undergraduate < masters < PhD

Note that when you change the name of factor levels, it will re-name the factor as well.

Factor Summary

To get an overview of the content of our edu_factor2, we can use the summary() function.

# Summary of edu_factor2
##       diploma undergraduate       masters           PhD
##             1             3             1             2

Data Frame


We now know that a matrix can consist only one data type, e.g. numerics or characters. However, in the real world, the type of data you want to store are of different types. We can store this information in a data frame.

Just like a matrix, a data frame is 2-dimensional, it has a set of columns and rows are called observations. Data frame allows you to store data of different types. It is basically a list of vectors of equal lengths. The previous sentence basically said that data frame can behave like a list (1-dimensional) or matix (2-dimensional).

Quick Glance of Data Frame

After reading in your dataset in R, the first thing that you need to know is to understand your dataset, get a feel of what it is that you are dealing with. For that purpose, let me introduce you to three functions that will help you in the initial stages of your data analysis.

  • str() - show the structure of your data frame
  • head() - show the first few rows in your data frame
  • tail() - show the last few rows in your data frame

Let’s use a built-in Orange dataset in R to demonstrate what these functions do.

# See the structure
## Classes 'nfnGroupedData', 'nfGroupedData', 'groupedData' and 'data.frame':   35 obs. of  3 variables:
##  $ Tree         : Ord.factor w/ 5 levels "3"<"1"<"5"<"2"<..: 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 4 4 ...
##  $ age          : num  118 484 664 1004 1231 ...
##  $ circumference: num  30 58 87 115 120 142 145 33 69 111 ...
##  - attr(*, "formula")=Class 'formula'  language circumference ~ age | Tree
##   .. ..- attr(*, ".Environment")=<environment: R_EmptyEnv>
##  - attr(*, "labels")=List of 2
##   ..$ x: chr "Time since December 31, 1968"
##   ..$ y: chr "Trunk circumference"
##  - attr(*, "units")=List of 2
##   ..$ x: chr "(days)"
##   ..$ y: chr "(mm)"
# See the first few rows
##   Tree  age circumference
## 1    1  118            30
## 2    1  484            58
## 3    1  664            87
## 4    1 1004           115
## 5    1 1231           120
## 6    1 1372           142
# See the last few rows
##    Tree  age circumference
## 30    5  484            49
## 31    5  664            81
## 32    5 1004           125
## 33    5 1231           142
## 34    5 1372           174
## 35    5 1582           177

By looking at the result from str(Orange):

  • It has 35 observations (rows) with 3 variables (columns)
  • Variable Tree is an ordered factor with 5 levels, while age and circumference are numerics

The default number of rows for head() and tail() is 6, but you can specify a different number like this.

# Specify number of rows
head(Orange, n = 10)
##    Tree  age circumference
## 1     1  118            30
## 2     1  484            58
## 3     1  664            87
## 4     1 1004           115
## 5     1 1231           120
## 6     1 1372           142
## 7     1 1582           145
## 8     2  118            33
## 9     2  484            69
## 10    2  664           111

Creating a Data Frame

Creating a data frame is really simple. We will use data.frame() function.

# Create numeric vector
number <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

# Create character vector
alphabet <- c("a", "b", "c", "d", "e")

# Create data frame
df1 <- data.frame(number, alphabet)

# View data frame
##   number alphabet
## 1      1        a
## 2      2        b
## 3      3        c
## 4      4        d
## 5      5        e
# View structure of data frame
## 'data.frame':    5 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ number  : num  1 2 3 4 5
##  $ alphabet: Factor w/ 5 levels "a","b","c","d",..: 1 2 3 4 5

Take a closer look at the result str(df1), alphabet is listed as a factor, but we created a character vector instead of a factor. This happens due to data.frame() behaviour, it turns character into factor. We can suppress this behaviour by passing this argument stringsAsFactors = FALSE.

# Specify stringsAsFactors = FALSE
df2 <- data.frame(number, alphabet, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# View structure of data frame
## 'data.frame':    5 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ number  : num  1 2 3 4 5
##  $ alphabet: chr  "a" "b" "c" "d" ...

We can see that alphabet is now a character instead of factor.

One point to note in creating a data frame is, combining vectors using cbind() does not produce a data frame. Let’s see an example.

# Combine vectors column-wise
df3 <- cbind(number, alphabet)

# Check class
## [1] "matrix"

One quick way to transform this matrix into a data frame is by using

# Coerce matrix into a data frame
df3_dataframed <-

# Check class
## [1] "data.frame"

Combining a Data Frame

We can combine data frames using cbind() and rbind(). Let’s use df2 and create another data frame and combine them.

# Create data frame
df4 <- data.frame(number2 = 6:10, alphabet2 = c("f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

# View data frame
##   number2 alphabet2
## 1       6         f
## 2       7         g
## 3       8         h
## 4       9         i
## 5      10         j

First, let’s combine it column-wise using cbind().
Note that in column-wise combination:

  1. The number of rows must be the same between data frames, both df2 and df4 have 5 rows
  2. Column names can be different
  3. Row names are ignored
cbind(df2, df4)
##   number alphabet number2 alphabet2
## 1      1        a       6         f
## 2      2        b       7         g
## 3      3        c       8         h
## 4      4        d       9         i
## 5      5        e      10         j

Now, let’s combine it row-wise using rbind().
Note that in row-wise combination:

  1. The number of columns must be the same between data frames, both df2 and df4 have 2 columns
  2. Column names must match

Let’s fix df4 and assign it to df5 so we can combine it row-wise

# Create df5
df5 <- data.frame(number = 6:10, alphabet = c("f", "g", "h", "i", "j"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

rbind(df2, df5)
##    number alphabet
## 1       1        a
## 2       2        b
## 3       3        c
## 4       4        d
## 5       5        e
## 6       6        f
## 7       7        g
## 8       8        h
## 9       9        i
## 10     10        j

Selecting Elements in a Data Frame

Selecting element(s) in a data frame is similar to selecting elements in vector and matrix, using [].

# Create a data frame
df6 <- cbind(df2, df4)

# View data frame
##   number alphabet number2 alphabet2
## 1      1        a       6         f
## 2      2        b       7         g
## 3      3        c       8         h
## 4      4        d       9         i
## 5      5        e      10         j

Let’s select some elements.

# Select element in the 2nd row, 3rd column
df6[2, 3]
## [1] 7
# Select elements in the 4th row, from 1st to 3rd column
df6[4, 1:3]
##   number alphabet number2
## 4      4        d       9
# Select elements in the 2nd to 4th row, 4th column
df6[2:4, 4]
## [1] "g" "h" "i"
# Select elements in the 2nd to 4th row, from 1st to 3rd column
df6[2:4, 1:3]
##   number alphabet number2
## 2      2        b       7
## 3      3        c       8
## 4      4        d       9
# Select all elements in the 5th row (leave column empty)
df6[5, ]
##   number alphabet number2 alphabet2
## 5      5        e      10         j
# Select all elements in the 1st column (leave row empty)
df6[, 1]
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

An alternative to column number, you can use column name to do the selection. This is useful when you have a dataset with many columns. Remember to wrap the column name with quotation marks.

# Select all elements in the 1st column (leave row empty)
df6[, "number"]
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

And there’s also a shortcut to the above code! You can use the $ sign. This time, you don’t need to wrap it in quotation marks.

## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

Subset a Data Frame

Let’s say we want to get observations in our dataset that meets a certain condition, we can do this by using subset(). Let’s use Orange dataset in R to demonstrate this function, the syntax is like this subset(dataframe, condition).

# Select all number 2 trees
subset(Orange, Tree == 2)
##    Tree  age circumference
## 8     2  118            33
## 9     2  484            69
## 10    2  664           111
## 11    2 1004           156
## 12    2 1231           172
## 13    2 1372           203
## 14    2 1582           203

What if we only want Tree and circumference to be selected? We can pass select argument.

# Select all number 2 trees, showing Tree and circumference columns only
subset(Orange, Tree == 2, select = c(Tree, circumference))
##    Tree circumference
## 8     2            33
## 9     2            69
## 10    2           111
## 11    2           156
## 12    2           172
## 13    2           203
## 14    2           203


Let’s focus on the circumference column of Orange dataset. We would like to see the circumference ordered from the smallest to the biggest circumference. This is how we do it in R, using order()

# Create circ vector
circ <- Orange$circumference

# Find the new order of the elements
##  [1]  1 15 29 22  8 30 16  2 23  9 17 31  3 18 10 24  4 19  5 32 20 21  6
## [24] 33  7 11 25 12 34 35 26 13 14 27 28
# Use the result above to find the new ordered circ
##  [1]  30  30  30  32  33  49  51  58  62  69  75  81  87 108 111 112 115
## [18] 115 120 125 139 140 142 142 145 156 167 172 174 177 179 203 203 209
## [35] 214


Let’s recap on all the data structures that we have covered in this post.

We will divide the data structures into two categories, and further classified based on their dimensions:

  • Homogenous - all contents must of the same type
  • Heterogenous - contents can be of different types
Homogenous Heterogenous
1d Atomic vector List
2d Matrix Data frame

We have also learnt how to create these data structures and how to select and manipulate elements in all the data structures.